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Become a Milk Drop Depot

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Mothers' Milk Bank of Tennessee (MMBTN) Milk Drop Depot Site! MMBTN couldn’t make it without your help to collect, log, and send the milk on to the Milk Bank. Milk Drop Depots offer an amazing service to mothers by providing a place where approved donor mothers can bring their milk to be shipped on to the Milk Bank for processing.


Depots historically have helped the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) Milk Banks, such as ours, to receive Donor Milk from locations distant to the Milk Bank. We are excited to have you as a part of our team because you understand the importance and value of human milk. Having a Depot at your facility will also send a message to your community that you value and support breastfeeding and may help increase breastfeeding rates in your area. Learn more by downloading a copy of the Milk Drop Depot Packet below. 

Milk Drop Depot Application
Facility Type

Thanks for submitting!

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