Donating After Loss
First and foremost, we want to offer you our deepest condolences. The loss of a baby is a profound and life-changing experience. We are here to provide you with information on your lactation options. Some mothers find a sense of healing by donating their breast milk. Teardrops and Milk Drops is our donor program for bereaved mothers that offers a simplified path to donating milk after a loss. Becoming a milk donor after the devastating loss of a child is a very personal decision.
At Mothers' Milk Bank of Tennessee, ALL mothers are at the center of our mission. We know all babies are forever held in our hearts as mothers.
You Are Not Alone
Since 2021, over 50 mothers have made the personal decision to become a milk donor after the devastating loss of their baby. We are grateful to each mom for not only sharing their baby's milk with us but also sharing their story with us.
At Mothers' Milk Bank of Tennessee, we believe it is crucial to provide bereaved mothers information about managing their milk production and to support them in the decisions they make about their milk.
We have developed a brochure for you to distribute to bereaved mothers. It provides an overview of lactation options after a loss. Click on the cover image to download a copy or you may request copies by emailing Amy.Painter@milkbanktn.org.